Our purpose is to give the American gun industry the best lubricants and cleaners on the market while addressing both human health and environmental issues. Slip 2000 has been able to provide non-toxic, non-hazardous and biodegradable gun lubricants and cleaners that outperform anything else on the market.
Kit Includes:
- 2-Piece rod w/ Swivel rod handle
- Muzzle guard
- .357 cal. / 9mm Bronze pistol brush
- .40 cal. Bronze pistol brush
- .45 cal. Bronze pistol brush
- .357 cal. / 9mm Bronze pistol mop
- .40 cal. Bronze pistol mop
- .45 cal. Bronze pistol mop
- .357 cal. / 9mmBrass jag
- .40 cal. Brass jag
- .45 cal. Brass jag
- .357 cal. / 9mm Patch holder
- Slip 2000 EWL